Sunday, June 19, 2016

The Red Dragon

Green eyes stared at the princess with passion. He was a fire breathing dragon from the woods. His roar was fierce and frightening but his kiss was hot as she felt weak in the knees. Before she fell to the ground his long spiked tail whipped around to swoop her up. The passion inside the monster came as softly as he made her body shiver, and then he tussled the princess in the air and whirled her around, he roughed her up until she hit the ground, and the fall was hard. He left her broken in a million pieces and never turned back to see if she was alright.
A knight in silver armor riding on a white horse in the darkness heard the quiet moans in the distance. As he neared where she lay, he stopped to see if everything was okay. When he gave her a drink of bloody red wine from his flask, she awakened to feel the tenderness of his warm arms wrapped around her broken body as she took her last breath in a peaceful moment of serenity.
The knight placed his coat over the princess then be on his way.
Down the road he heard the roar of the fire breathing dragon from the woods. The white horse trotted along the roadside as the sound got closer.
Smoke filled the air up ahead when the knight on the white horse stopped to stare in the distance a huge red dragon came out of the woods. The dragon whirled his long tail at the knight, and the white horse threw him in the direction of the red dragon. The tiny sword in his hand was no match for a mighty dragon fight, but the brave warrior dueled anyway. Climbing up to the dragon's top over spikes in his back, the mighty knight reached the eye of the dragon where he jabbed the red dragon's green eyes blinding him. The red dragon roared a screeching sound like never before until he dropped to the ground, his fire went into a sizzle and he died.

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