Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Rose Musk by Valerie Alston

Cougar on the prowl:
As well as she knew herself, she felt she shouldn't trust it. So much for unwanted attention, its like an itch in a place that's hard to scratch in public. The eyes were on her and yes, she could still turn a few heads, even at that age. As she walked down the street she smiled at the gentlemen and kept on moving. They watched her as she walked so gracefully, whispering to one another like she was a diamond in the rough waiting to be polished and refined to perfection. They told her she was a poor man's dream. If she was all that-- then why was she so lonely? They said. Prince charming would come  someday, but when? Too many wrong turns that never made it right. But she kept on moving, as she learned to love her self more which is the greatest love of all.
The fantasy:
She purred like a kitten, he stroked the inside of her silky thighs, kissing her neck softly as they cuddled together in a romantic way. The moistness of her inner parts made her want him more. They rocked from side to side while he glided his very masculine body against hers and they began to move like the motion of the ocean. She drifted her thoughts to a place so green, crisp and clean in the meadows riding a black stallion so sleek and strong. Her legs wrapped around his waist while riding the hills until the sunset went down with an orange glow where the earth met the sky and it was all good, in the heat of the night. She moaned, he kissed her neck, she responded well to his passionate yet loving motions. The quiet came after the storm as she laid resting. The romance was still lingering in the air, the scent of the ocean fresh and pure, the waves had stopped, and when she'd awaken, Prince Charming was gone.
The Cat Walk
The city was full of rats hiding in the dumpsters that's not where you'll find her. She valued her
 life, her love was not weak, she was true to herself and her love for that special someone remained in a place where her heart belonged. A broken heart may be hard to mend but it is better to had loved and lost than never loved before.
Days Gone By 
When nightfall came, her bed was warm with her own love of peace for the grandchildren. Happy thoughts of them laughing, playing, making noise that brought joy to her heart again. Only from a distance would she ever give her heart to another lover. She would not share her private space with any man, ever, a heart gone cold as ice.
Fine Wine & Aged Cheese 
They called it out, B-4, I-8, N-12, G-34,O-72 =bingo! 
She's always a winner! At the senior recreation hall, they sat next to each other holding hands under
the table. He ran his hand up her thigh, she rubbed hers on his knee, he looked at her with those adorable teddy bear eyes, she winked, he smiled.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Glowing Light by Valerie Alston

I sat by the window staring out at the trees. A moment of tranquility was felt by me and I looked at the hazy blue sky and all the birds that were flying by, I bowed my head in a moment of silence, and gave thanks to God for creating me. I told him how good it was to be alive and ask that he keep me safe and warm when the winter comes.

The sunshine sparkled between the trees as I lifted my head for another view.

If I am right, if I am wrong, I have few regrets over the life I chose to live, and if I had to do it all over again, I would do the same.

The tall Redwoods looked down on me, I held my head high gazed at the blue sky.

Since the years have gone by, rolling clouds cover the sky as I feel my life is not my own. Living on borrowed time my friend, that part of pain is hurt.

It is what it is, and that's the way it is.

The ground below was full of debris, furthermore the past could not be changed. I loved my life way back when, till something happened then the sorrow began. A wrong turn on a One Way Street had seriously injured me.

The price of freedom was all in vain as I held my head down in the pouring rain. I lay there on a green park bench, resting. For the price of freedom is costly my friend the road is rough till the bitter

Monday, August 24, 2015

OSCAR by Valerie Alston

There once lived a wonderful man, his name was Oscar. He was a doctor at the clinic where I visited once a month to get my blood work done. Oscar was a very funny little old man with a gorgeous head of white hair. His sultry voice was relaxing which made you feel slightly sedated under his care. His eyes were like crystal blue pools of water that sparkled, his dimple as deep as when he smiled, and he was cute like the Pillsbury dough boy on one of those commercials you'd see on the big screen TV. His nose was round and red like a cherry, and when he laughed, it wrinkled.

I sat in a wooden chair at the door and waited for the nurse to come in to take my vitals. She told me to stand on the scale, then wrote something down. She tightened my arm with a heavy grey armband then pumped until it was tight. My blood pressure was good, she told me, I was fine. I squirmed just a little while she took a little sharp thing and pricked my finger. She smeared some blood on a tiny glass plate to test for something. The thermometer under my tongue kept sliding out of my mouth and I tried to press my lips together to keep it in place and held it for less than a minute then the nurse said my temperature was normal. Before she left the small room, she told me the doctor would be in to see me soon.

As I sat and waited for Doctor Oscar Redwood to see me, I glanced around the room at all the colorful pictures on the wall. The anatomy of the human body always fascinated me. Each individual body part, every organ and its function, how the blood vessels transport blood from one connecting to the others which shows how it works. Oscar talked about my condition. He explained in detail the stages of my chronic illness and the effect it had on my life and body changes. He always made it clear that there was no cure, and eventually, it would stop bothering me.

I continue to see Oscar for another three years. We became close friends, on a first name basis and I could talk to him about anything that bothered me. But as Oscar grew older, I too grew older, and as I lost weight so did Oscar. I watched the foods I ate, I walked regularly, I took precautions on what I put into my body. But one night, I was awaken by severe abdominal pain with contracting muscle spasms throughout by body. My temperature was feverish, green foam started coming out of my mouth, the throbbing pain in my head ached as I began to tremble. So I called 911.

The flashing blue lights swirled on top of the emergency vehicle as they got there in time. Something covered my face, and everything went dark after that. Beyond floating in my head was the white light that shined brightly ahead, I was sucked into a powerful vacume of dry air then something spit me out into the open room where I lay in a bed with a lot of noise going on around me. The curtain was drawn but it sounded like a familiar voice in the bed behind it next to mine. I heard my name being called. Again, it was calling me. I screamed in agony. The nurse came in and gave me some morphine to quiet the pain I was feeling.

Three days later, I woke up in the same bed, same room. The hospital staff was taking someone out of the room and I looked over my toes to see what I could see, then I went into shock when I saw who they had taken out of the room.

It was two days later when I went to see Oscar at the clinic. I arrived on time.

I sat in the cushioned chair at the door and waited for the nurse to come in to take my vitals. I stood on the scale like I usually do, she typed something into the computer, then she tightened my arm with a heavy grey armband then pushed a button that made it tight. My blood pressure was good, she told me, I was fine. I squirmed just a little when she took an object in a white plastic case and clamped down on my middle finger. It didn't hurt a bit, not at all, it just took me by surprise. No more smeared blood on a tiny glass plate, new technology made it easier to test. The thermometer under my tongue was slippery, wet and kept sliding out of my mouth. Then the nurse said my temperature was okay. After that she told me the doctor would be in shortly.

All of the pictures on the wall had changed and I watched the computer monitor as the colorful lights flickered about the screen sending an unknown signal. A minute later, a tall lean man entered the room. He reached out to shake my hand and introduced himself as Doctor Brown. His youthful face let me know he was new to the staff but the stern look he had on his face and the seriousness of his character made it clear that Doctor Oscar Redwood was gone. I didn't ask any questions, but something strange made me feel I would never see Oscar again.

Sunday, July 12, 2015


In the still of the night, I wait, I listen, I wonder what might be going on in the place I stay, as I know, I can't see, but I hear, and I smell blood in the barnyard where I sleep. The horses are restless tonight, Drake, the oldest seems jittery. I wait, I listen, I wonder who will be the victim tonight.
Odessa the cow is in her corner resting, nothing is bothering her tonight.
Wally is on the prowl, searching for food again. Some of them, not all, become victims of a rat attack. My heart is on ice, my emotions run deep, in the silence of the night.
I hear a rumble outside, a rat attack for sure, wonder who its victim will be tonight, hope its not me. The mystery of darkness awaits it's unsuspecting victims, the innocent, in the still of the night. Who will be his next victim, I wonder.
Yellow eyes glow in the dark, I feel frozen, the horses are restless but do nothing unusual.
A shadow crossing over the top of a haystack in the barn, what if its lurking for me this time. I hold my pants, feels like I might wet them, then I let out a dreadful loud sneeze.
A small animal standing in the doorway makes a noise, it is Nadine the goat, I breath easy. "Old Wally won't get me, no not me, not tonight." I arise to finish taking a leak when a shallow pool of water or something wet soaks my shoes.
Nadine, the goat runs away, the horses are starting to make noise, stirring around the barn till Drake leans back on its hind legs, trying to break loose to get out. Odessa is in a hurry, she almost knocks me down while moving towards the doorway.
I hear a helicopter above circle the area, it flashes a bright light down where I buried myself under one of the haystacks. A loud voice, a man who calls himself Leroy, speaks through a megaphone, he's telling me to come out with my hands in the air. I don't move. Not me, not tonight. Leroy, the man in the helicopter drops a smoke bomb down on the ground. I start to cough, then Wally the rat attacks Odessa. I move fast, run for my life to a water well in the back of the barn but before I get there, Leroy drops another smoke bomb between me and Nadine who is standing at the water well taking a drink. The smoke bomb has me choking, I'm coughing and Nadine runs away where Odessa and Wally are in a standoff. Nadine runs head first into Wally giving a butt so strong it hurls him in the air, then Odessa runs away. The attack is off, that gruesome rat is injured, hope he's dead. I smell blood, I see, I hear, I stand up and raise my hands in the air but something strange, a bright orange beam from high in the sky is flashing  and the helicopter whirled away. "Not me" I said, "not tonight, I'm getting some sleep," as I walk back to the barn where the animals have all quieted down in a peaceful moment, but I know tomorrow is another day. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


Honeysuckle sweet on the vine, smelled so good, as I walked past the bush and the trees, wooden picnic tables nearby.

A gentle breeze brushed around my face, soft yet gentle upon my skin, I breathed the air so fresh and clear, noticed it aroused my senses of sweet honeysuckle on the vine.

Blue Jay birds fluttered above my head, a red robin sat upon the tree branch tweeted then flew away.
Sunshine warmed my cheeks it glistened highlights between green leaves of the trees.

A quick glance at the sky, I thought of what heaven might be like when I got there someday.
Didn't know what to expect when I'd get there but sure it would be a family reunion with the ones long gone.

Peace was knocking at my door, better get rest and prepare for the unknown, a time that would come another day
Oh and how rested I was when I heard a noise sounded like a buzz in my ear, instead of fear I felt the joy of nature's finest lady bugs, toads and frogs, and then he came, my lover to me, he was no prince charming that I could see, yet the love I felt having him near, was the only thing I needed and made it clear.

So sweet the kiss on his lips, the taste of honeysuckle on the vine, and closed my eyes, it was my time.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

THE PESTY LITTLE BUG by Valerie Alston

A creep he was, with his slimy ways, his slick hair and grubby clothes! He sat next to me on the streetcar that was going uphill to a view beyond the bay. The clang, clanging of the trolleys bell being pulled by the brakeman on the streets of a fair city full of people who came to visit from everywhere. Clang, Clang! The brakeman brought the trolley car to a complete stop to let people on as some got off and continued to travel by foot. At the top of the steep hill, the trolley car  paused so we could get a good look at the boats and Fisherman's Grotto below, this was Pier 1, the finest seafood restaurants, gift shops, marketplace, wax museum and other sights of entertainment. As the brakeman released the clutch, downhill slowly we moved ahead. We reached the bottom, the end of the line where the magnetic plate beneath the trolley car would turn around before going back to the other end. The pesty little bug hopped off and began to walk towards the Pier. I took my time moving along the busy street on the Pier. The sidewalk had crowds of tourists, some in groups speaking other languages. I continued to be pushed and shoved by the people who seemed in a hurry to get nowhere fast! I stopped along the marketplace to get a shrimp cocktail, then moved to a spot close to the entrance of a video game arcade with lots of noise and buzzed energy. My eye saw a green bench nearby where I sat down to rest while eating the shrimp cocktail. A stranger sat down next to me, I didn't look up, but I felt the energy coming my way from this strange person. The sunshine felt warm, the breeze was good, and I just sat for awhile meditating on this fantastic day. Before moving on, I pulled out a map and decided where to next. The Wax Museum was just around the corner, so I proceeded to go in the direction that the map showed. I paid for my ticket to get in then sat in a small wagon that traveled on the rails through a dark tunnel. Lights, flashes of light, sounds of laughter, screams and then silence as the wagon came to an entrance with a sign that read "Enter At Your Own Risk." Was this the house of horrors or what? I wondered! As I continued to read the sign, a message appeared. "This is as far as it goes, get out and walk from here." A hand touched the back of my neck, I screamed, he laughed. I ran to the waxed figure of Michael Jackson and hid in a corner close to it. I held my breath hoping whatever it was had gone away. Silence, complete silence, then I made my move and ran all the way towards the exit sign ahead. A light, I could see the light at the end of the tunnel, and bam! There he was, the pesty little bug waiting for me at the door that led outside. Without question, I pulled my little pink pepper spray out and sprayed his eyes. He started coughing, and rubbed his eyes, I ran as fast as I could to the cruise boat that was headed out on tour of Alcatraz Island. After boarding, I blew a breath of relief from my aching belly. But as we approached the place where former prison inmates had been incarcerated for some of the worst, most horrifying crimes in history of the century, I caught a glimpse of a hand waving in the distance on the Island. It was behind bars, but frightfully familiar. I blinked, it was gone. I'm just tired, I thought and closed my eyes for a quick nap. A fly buzzed around my head, then I felt something touch the back of my neck. It was time I sprayed this pesty little bug. It dropped to the floor where I stomped with my shoe, then I picked it up with a tissue and threw it overboard. "Now! You Pesty Little Bug." And on my way back to the trolley car, I hummed a little tune in my head by Michael Jackson, "Beat It, Just Beat It!"~  

Sunday, April 12, 2015


Let her cry for she's a lady, let her scream like she's a child who has a lonely heart, but let the raindrops fall upon her nose during spring when the breeze blows a warm scent of lavender in the air to allure her sensuality letting everyone know romance is in the air.

Just like the seasons that change, spring at its best, we met at the park around the lake where sailboats floated on water, couples hand in hand and at first glance we saw each other's face, second glance we looked into each other's eyes, romance was in the air.

We sat on the bench as we watched the activity going on around the lake. He talked, I listened. I felt loved. I talked, he listened. He looked like the one in my dreams.

We walked around the lake for awhile, we stopped to buy some cotton candy swirled in hues of lavender, rose petal pink and soft blue. We shared, we laughed, he kissed my forehead, I just smiled.

Children at play, what a beautiful day it was for us to have met. Unspoken words expressed emotions of sincerity. And I felt loved.

Evening came, the glow of orange in a sunset, hues of lavender rose petal pink and soft blue filled the sky. We gave each other a warm embrace as though in a dream a moment filled with delight. A tiny drop of rain touched my cheek we went our separate ways.